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Biden almost apologized for being racist.


Posted 3:55 pm, 05/25/2020

I am not saying all blacks are racist but I sure know quite a few that are.


Posted 3:54 pm, 05/25/2020

Absolutely. Black people are also racist when it comes to whites.


Posted 3:53 pm, 05/25/2020

So you're saying Charlemagne is a racist now?

This is getting weird.


Posted 3:51 pm, 05/25/2020

Charlamagne said the best apology would be a 'black agenda' and urged Biden to pick a black woman as his running mate and not Amy Klobuchar

I couldn't believe my hears just now on the news. If this is not racist, I give it up. Racism cuts both ways. How about picking the best person (white, black, man or woman)that would be best for the country. At his age, he might not even complete four years and I would hate to see a person take over just because of skin color. This is just getting ridiculous.

I am voting for Trump in 2020 but if I were for democrat, I would select Klobuchar. Not because of skin color but I was impressed with her in the democrat debates.


Posted 3:50 pm, 05/25/2020

I'll warn you in advance...septic goes to great lengths researching his slur. He isn't hiding his racism any longer.



Posted 3:48 pm, 05/25/2020

Septic's threads were he researches his slur on minority kids.

Despicable. Who researches racism?



Posted 3:47 pm, 05/25/2020

The original post that shoulda lied about. It clearly shows that Joe Biden called black kids roaches. Lie all you want.

Joe Biden called black kids roaches.
This guy actually called black kids roaches. Unbelievably racist. Plus he let kids run his hairy legs? Sicko. https://maineexaminer.com/j...


Posted 3:44 pm, 05/25/2020

Uh, oh! "Liked you lied."

KonDuke will be confused IF I don't fix that.


Posted 3:43 pm, 05/25/2020

Oh, no. It's true. You know it. You said it, and lied about Biden likes you lies about Kim.

So many lies. You're marked by everyone as the consummate liar.


Posted 3:41 pm, 05/25/2020

I think we should start calling it what it is. Shoulda lied. Continues to lie. I don't think it's spinning at this point. Lol.


Posted 3:40 pm, 05/25/2020

Really? Do you have proof? Septic demands proof and links.


Posted 3:39 pm, 05/25/2020

swucy spinning in circles while his boy joe is still a racist.


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/25/2020

Well, Biden didn't.

This guy named septic did. Researched it and everything. Ugh. What a dirty racist that guy septic is.


Posted 3:32 pm, 05/25/2020

I would love that link of me showing everyone that Joe Biden calls black kids roaches.


Posted 3:07 pm, 05/25/2020

We're going to need links and quotes to back all of that up. That's what you like, right?

For an example, do you want me to get a link of you comparing minorities to...ugh. I can't say it.


Posted 3:03 pm, 05/25/2020

I mean. You gotta respect Biden. He's been racist his whole career and just now gets questioned on it. He's been in the government for 40 years and still gets no blame for government problems. He gets to flash women and feel them up from behind on camera. He gets to rape women. He can't make a coherent speech and still gets rewarded with the nomination. This guy is a complete fool and he will still get at 45% of the vote for president. He can have a stellar high school football career and work at an all black swimming pool and learn about roaches. But still convince people that he needed five deferments from being drafted because he had asthma. He's good.


Posted 3:01 pm, 05/25/2020

Definitely did not respect Clinton and especially his wife. I take back my statement, I meant on a Republican Ballot.


Posted 2:45 pm, 05/25/2020

And you respected Clinton.



Posted 2:44 pm, 05/25/2020

Whoops, that was a mistake. I forgot about Biden.


Posted 2:43 pm, 05/25/2020

So you will respect Biden? How sweet!

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