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Ben Netanyahu speeches in US? Discussion thread...


Posted 1:09 pm, 03/04/2015

The funny thing about people posting negative links is that they think we care what they post.

sparkling water

Posted 11:29 am, 03/04/2015

Youlie, Obama is both a left and a right wing fascist. Equal opportunity fascism!


Posted 11:27 am, 03/04/2015

The Rise of a �Democratic' Fascism

March 2, 2015


Posted 11:15 am, 03/04/2015

Sparkling Waters says:

A number of people are posting links that purport to show Netanyahu in a negative light. The bigger issues are not connected to what anti Israel rags think of his character, but are absolutely connected to his message. That message asks nothing for him personally. It does ask us to see the real danger posed by the regime in Tehran

This should be on billboards for all to see.


Posted 10:53 am, 03/04/2015

Listen, you Obama Worshiping morons, as much as I'd like to talk to you, I'd rather be Waterboarding Terrorist.


Posted 10:20 am, 03/04/2015

I thought Obama was left wing. Now you say he is a right wing Fascist as well? Amazing he can be all things to all people ROTFLMAO


Posted 10:17 am, 03/04/2015

rose we already had a fascist addressing congress on jan.20. it was called the state of the union address.


Posted 10:12 am, 03/04/2015

It's obvious why the Reich Wing sniffers on here love him, he's a Fascist after their own heart

sparkling water

Posted 8:59 am, 03/04/2015

A number of people are posting links that purport to show Netanyahu in a negative light. The bigger issues are not connected to what anti Israel rags think of his character, but are absolutely connected to his message. That message asks nothing for him personally. It does ask us to see the real danger posed by the regime in Tehran.


Posted 8:47 am, 03/04/2015

Well, I see Obama has issued his talking points to all the morning news shows, and the usual political hacks...which they are dutifully parroting...

But clearly, Netanyahu has raised the alarm to Obama's selling America down the river, to our enemies. At the end of the day, treaties with these terrorists will NEVER be ratified.


Posted 1:14 am, 03/04/2015

We should not have Fascists addressing our Congress .


Posted 11:31 pm, 03/03/2015

Netanyahu's speech accomplished one thing and one thing only, it allowed the homeland security bill to move quietly to the president's desk for signing.

sparkling water

Posted 10:22 pm, 03/03/2015

Sparkling Missus and I just watched the. Speech again on YouTube. Bibi's case could not have been better presented by a prosecutor.

sparkling water

Posted 8:58 pm, 03/03/2015

Invaded, but hopefully you figured that out.

sparkling water

Posted 8:56 pm, 03/03/2015

Popularity is irrelevant, you foolish man. Winston Churchill was unpopular before Hitler I faded Poland. How many statues have you seen of Nevelle Chamberlain?


Posted 8:44 pm, 03/03/2015

Maybe he hopes political stunts like todays speech will distract from his scandals at home


Posted 8:39 pm, 03/03/2015

Bibi will be as unpopular here as he is at home if he continues like today

sparkling water

Posted 8:10 pm, 03/03/2015

I wouldn't want to discount that group's experience or wisdom". They are there and we are not. I am guessing that there are many more high ranking men and women in the IDF with a pro Netanyahu perspective. It wouldn't be hard to pike up experts on either side of most issues.

Some things bear remembering:
Bibi was born in Israel.
He has fought for his country's existence, been wounded, struggled with his countrymen in forming his own perspective.
He is closer to the threats he spoke of than we are.
He has more to lose in the matter than we do.

Iran has a four decade track record.
Tehran has never negotiated from a position of respect for Israel or the U.S.
Iran has never wavered from its stated goal of Israel's destruction.
The only conceivable purpose if 190000 uranium centrifuges is the production of a nuclear weapon.
Iran has never had a weapon they did not use.
If Iran develops a nuclear weapon they will certainly use it against Israel.

If and when Iran uses a nuclear device against the Jewsh state, Barack Obama will forever be labeled the Neville Chamberlain of our time.

Unless he wants the Islamic fanatics to succeed in developing such a weapon ...

sparkling water

Posted 7:28 pm, 03/03/2015

I'd be happy to trade our president for Bibi.

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