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Ben Netanyahu speeches in US? Discussion thread...


Posted 7:01 pm, 03/03/2015

What's wrong with a Zionist?


Posted 6:59 pm, 03/03/2015

I like him but hope this doesn't ruin his credibility .


Posted 6:46 pm, 03/03/2015

Odd how so many on here admire a Zionist!


Posted 4:05 pm, 03/03/2015

So, will the speech.help his re-election, or hurt it?


Posted 3:18 pm, 03/03/2015

Did everybody turn their backs to him like the NYPD did to the mayor?


Posted 2:11 pm, 03/03/2015

Rose star, you must be talking about liberal Democrats. Personally I like Netanyahu and I ain't Jewish. For years have noticed that when the news talks about conflicts in the Middle East, especially Israel, the news is quite often slanted to make Israel out to be the aggressor when the opposite is true, even trying to get the United Nations involved to accuse Israel of war crimes when the opposite is true.

The enemies of Israel are also the enemies of the United States. Indeed we should listen to Netanyahu.


Posted 1:54 pm, 03/03/2015

Netanyahu has lost the support of American Jews


Posted 1:01 pm, 03/03/2015

Watch the news. The democrats heads are exploding. Wonder if they'll get any Jewish support in the next election. Everyone knows now how Obamas selling us out.


Posted 12:44 pm, 03/03/2015

Awesome speech


Posted 12:24 pm, 03/03/2015

Found myself clapping along with those clapping for Netanyahu several of the 35 rounds of applause he got.


Posted 12:10 pm, 03/03/2015

I can scarcely believe it! MSNBC has an Obama drone on who actually said - "we've got to pass the deal, to see what's in the deal! (Referring to Obama's SECRET treaty with Iran).

Sound familiar?


Posted 11:55 am, 03/03/2015

I second that....EXCELLENT!


Posted 11:53 am, 03/03/2015

One word - EXCELLENT!!!!!


Posted 11:50 am, 03/03/2015

I like Netanyahu but afraid his career and influence will suffer because of this speech


Posted 11:50 am, 03/03/2015

I like Netanyahu but afraid his career and influence will suffer because of this speech


Posted 11:50 am, 03/03/2015

Wow! What a speech, what a leader! No wonder the democrat cowards went running away!

Get ready for something big to happen from the dark side. This guy's speaking truth, cannot be allowed to delay Obama's plans with the jihadists.


Posted 10:49 am, 03/03/2015

Obama is continuing, with Iran, the charade that failed so miserably with North Korea. All the concessions and benefits for the dictators come up front, heck, we've given them so much already just for coming to the table. Then, once they've milked the process, they simply renounce the whole agreement years later.

Oh, what's that mushroom cloud on the horizon? Oh, snap!

These guys gotta be laughing their arses off, at how much of a clown Obama is.


Posted 10:23 am, 03/03/2015

Watch and make note how all the media pundits dutifully repeat the Obama talking points...as hacks like Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett are furiously issuing emails and texts from the white house "war room".

Due to technology, this is unfolding in real time.

It's hilarious, really.


Posted 10:20 am, 03/03/2015

What's fascinating, is that events no one could predict; become turning points in history.

Look at all the groundswell of incidents, which document a pattern and practice of criminal behavior being committed by the Obama regime.

Despite the continuing efforts of the lapdog media, to cover for their first "black" (biracial) president.

Folks, we are on the precipice of one of those "the emperor has no clothes" moments!

And not a moment too soon.

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