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Barry Obama: Why won't you release your records?


Posted 9:38 am, 08/01/2012

The Obama campaign and the Party of Treason continue to demand Mitt
Romney release his tax records so they can pull them apart and continue to distort facts and lie about Romney.

Obama has released almost none of his records. There is one record that everyone should be demanding that Obama release. What is it and why is it so important?

There are a lot of records that Americans should want to see from Barack Obama. To start with, there are his records from Occidental College so that the allegation that Obama attended that school on a scholarship reserved for foreign students can be resolved. Another record that Americans should be demanding Obama release are his records from Columbia and Harvard.

How does someone who is a self-admitted poor student, get into two of the most prestigious schools in America? Obama was admitted to Harvard law. Generally you need to have almost a perfect 4.0 to even have a shot at Harvard. Anyone want to bet Obama�s GPA was nowhere near that?

So how did he get in?

The important records that everyone should demand Obama release are his medical records. George Bush, John McCain, even John Kerry and Bill Clinton released voluminous medical records.

What did Obama release in 2008? It was a one page statement from a doctor saying he was in good physical condition.

That was it.

Why is this so important?

Obama by his own admission was a very heavy marijuana user in his youth. He has also admitted to using cocaine, though he denies using drugs such as heroin. He also says he was a significant drinker.

Why is this important?

Because these are all symptoms of addiction.

A man named Larry Sinclair claims that in 1999 he and Barack Obama had sex and then smoked crack cocaine. This is 1999, nine years before Obama would run for President.

Crack cocaine is very addictive. It is very destructive. Addiction specialist will tell you that a crack addiction is very tough to break.

Is Obama an addict? Was he an addict in the past?

These are all legitimate questions to ask about a man who has his hands on the nuclear trigger.

Why is Obama hiding these records and why isn�t the drive by media asking these questions. Why aren�t Republicans demanding the answers to these questions, instead of telling Mitt Romney he needs to play into Obama�s hands by releasing more tax returns?

While Obama promised his administration would be the most transparent in history; that was simply another Obama lie.

Every time Obama demands that Mitt Romney release more tax returns, the Romney campaign needs to turn around and ask when Obama is going to release his medical records, his college records and his attorney discipline records.

The Romney campaign may have finally learned that they are not going to get anywhere by playing nice. They have an opponent that wants to go down into the gutter for a fight and believes in winning at all costs.

Romney may have finally learned not to play their game.

Let�s hope so.

Meanwhile, every Republican should quit telling Mitt Romney to release more records, giving Obama more ammunition to lie about him and start demanding that Obama release his records.


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