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Baby Sitter

this n that

Posted 3:35 pm, 07/28/2016

Heard on the news this morning that 200 of the Gitmo prisioners that obama has turned loose, have returned to being terrorist.

Who didn't see that coming?


Posted 3:33 pm, 07/28/2016

Excellent post.

this n that

Posted 3:32 pm, 07/28/2016

The Administration constantly assures us there will be an exhaustive security screening process for Syrian refugees.

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats have taken to openly mocking anyone with the slightest doubt that every last one of these refugees will be carefully examined by the same genius government that brought you HealthCareDotGov, the OPM hack, the V.A. disaster, and a seemingly endless string of Secret Service scandals, overseen by the President who thought al-Qaeda was dead and ISIS was its "junior varsity team."

Rest assured, these refugees will be examined as thoroughly as the psychopath who was allowed to get on stage with Obama in South Africa and pretend to be interpreting the President's remarks for the hearing-impaired. They'll be managed as carefully as the thousands of illegal alien criminals Obama turned loose on the streets during Shutdown Theater.

The Obama Administration, to put it mildly, does not have a record of competence on any issue that would inspire blind faith in their ability to handle tens of thousands of refugees from a war-torn region with few reliable records. More specifically, Obama has a demonstrated track record of putting political considerations, and his own ego, above all other considerations. He will never admit to any mistakes made during his Syrian migration plan, he'll use every resource at his disposal to conceal anything that goes wrong, and he'll make sure no one responsible for errors or abuses is punished.

What else do we have to go on, except the assurances of Obama and his political appointees? The security professionals in this Administration aren't exactly brimming with confidence about Syrian refugee security. The director of the National Counterterrorism Center admitted that terrorist groups are very interested in using refugee programs to slip operatives into Europe and the United States.

The director of Homeland Security had no answer when asked if the "vetting" process amounted to anything more than asking refugees to fill out an application, asking them a few questions in a verbal interview, and assuming they answer honestly. The best Director Jeh Johnson could offer were vague assurances that the "tight-knit, supportive communities" they settle into would "embrace" these refugees.

this n that

Posted 3:21 pm, 07/28/2016

11/15/15 If you're gonna support Crooked Hillary, you'll have to become better liars.

Listen to her speech tonight. It will be full of lies, told with a smile, and you'll eat it up of course.
While you're eating, if you listen closely, and watch her body language, you can pick up some pointers on how a professional liar does it.

And looks like you already missed a great opportunity last night to learn from one of the best.
obama, the liar in chief told you a bunch last night., and I bet you didn't even take notes.

And you might want to listen to what the Border Patrol Officers say on the subject.

They endorsed Trump, you know.

Last month, FBI Director James Comey told Senate lawmakers that "gaps" remained in the U.S.'s ability to screen the refugees, because of a lack of intelligence on the ground in Syria. "There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that," Comey said.


Posted 1:11 pm, 07/28/2016

Funny "asecondthought" never came back with "asecondpost"


Posted 2:15 pm, 07/27/2016

I was just thinking the same thing. I had nothing on the list when I was babysitting, so I suppose my answer would be, Sure!


Posted 1:51 pm, 07/27/2016

Would you hire a baby sitter and let him/her in your home with:
No passport
No background check
No identification
No work history
No vetting?

Don't most babysitting jobs go to young teens, with no passport, work history, ID, and presumably no way of doing a background check?

Truth is right, this is a weak attempt at talking about refugees. The "vetting" gives it away. But like the others said, there's a very intense vetting process, so even that doesn't make sense.


Posted 1:47 pm, 07/27/2016

I can pay in puppies.


Posted 1:41 pm, 07/27/2016


Second shift babysitter for my seven kids and four dogs. The dogs have their shots.
Must be off meth while in my home.
I have HBO.
I also have a case of rolling rock beer.


Posted 1:21 pm, 07/27/2016

Would u hire a babysitter from Wilkes without a background check???


Posted 1:08 pm, 07/27/2016

Lol...it's not like all parents are real
Selective when seeking child care...most posts on here are from peeps looking for the cheapest


Posted 1:02 pm, 07/27/2016

Yes it could hangs, Repubs like to claim that nobody is vetted .


Posted 12:58 pm, 07/27/2016

But refugees are vetted it takes months so it can't be about them.


Posted 12:57 pm, 07/27/2016

Hadn't looked at it that way Truthseeker, but you're probably right.


Posted 12:51 pm, 07/27/2016

Get ready KenC, the big reveal will be about refugees.


Posted 12:19 pm, 07/27/2016

Dis how big is this baby? Is he/she on GW?


Posted 11:46 am, 07/27/2016

Of course not . Is that a trick question , meant to start a thread in order put somebody down ?


Posted 9:59 am, 07/27/2016

Not worth the risk, imo


Posted 7:41 am, 07/27/2016

Would you hire a baby sitter and let him/her in your home with:
No passport
No background check
No identification
No work history
No vetting?

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