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baby abused in


Posted 5:05 pm, 04/28/2011

Dei88 if ur not drunk what's up ur taking up for the grandparents and mom duh these girls are where GOD has put them . Nothing u say is gonna change the fact of what happened to the girls . U see god will deal with the ones who did wrong and so will the judge ! Melissa on the video STATED JACOB THERS A CAMERA HELLO what more do u need to show that she knew what he was doing to this child ! How much lower cud she be ??? Anyone who allowed it or knew shud be exactly where jacob is ! The mom is more worried whether she is going to get charged with this instead of worrying about the innocent children . Anyway maddie and brooklyn are being loved and well taken care of ! Point being leave there happiness alone just pray for them to stay happy ! They had an awesome and wonderful easter prob the best ever ??? And will continue to live abundently ! Love ur children not abuse them nor neglect them because there is always a family whom will love and cherish them always !!! All I've got to say !! Will keep u updated on there progress though !!


Posted 4:36 pm, 04/28/2011

Dei88 if ur not drunk what's up ur taking up for the grandparents and mom duh these girls are where GOD has put them . Nothing u say is gonna change the fact of what happened to the girls . U see god will deal with the ones who did wrong and so will the judge ! Melissa on the video STATED JACOB THERS A CAMERA HELLO what more do u need to show that she knew what he was doing to this child ! How much lower cud she be ??? Anyone who allowed it or knew shud be exactly where jacob is ! The mom is more worried whether she is going to get charged with this instead of worrying about the innocent children . Anyway maddie and brooklyn are being loved and well taken care of ! Point being leave there happiness alone just pray for them to stay happy ! They had an awesome and wonderful easter prob the best ever ??? And will continue to live abundently ! Love ur children not abuse them nor neglect them because there is always a family whom will love and cherish them always !!! All I've got say !! Will keep u updated on there progress though !!


Posted 3:10 pm, 04/28/2011

sheetsgap i've never been drunk in my life or high on anything,never done drugs


Posted 1:32 pm, 04/28/2011

to dei88 yes i do lol and the children are in foster care ok ,,,wake up this isn't a fairy land it;s about these children that are getting the appropriate care ok ,go back to school urself it's the 20th century and there in a gud home where no one will abuse them ,,and no judge will alllow these kids to be put back in that circumstance again ,go figure dei (drunk excuse idiot ) ,,,pray these kids will never be taken away from there at ...


Posted 1:27 pm, 04/28/2011

candlewick....you are right the entire focus should be on the little girls....but now what you said about the "apple" comment not being true well I guess in some cases that might be true but I believe in this case the comment that so far away made does apply except I dont think we are dealing with apples here I think they are nuts....this sort of behavior just didnt pop up over night this sort of behavior must have started with these people years ago and it continued on into what was supposed to be adulthood....Unfortunately it continued on with their children and thats sad that a small innocent child is having to pay for their parents choices in life....so I desperately hope that these little girls get a better chance in life than what their parents were giving them....because with them they were getting only HOPE but with out them they will get a PROMISE in life....


Posted 1:16 pm, 04/28/2011

First off, we need to keep focus on the child. Not on the mother or her boyfriend. Personally I don't care if the rott away. I pray the poor dear don't suffer permanant brain damage. No matter who knows the mom, dad, boyfriend, grandparents, quit making this into "I know them and they did this years ago contest". Madison should be TOP PRIOIRITY!!!! And "the apple don't fall from the tree" comment isn't necessarily true. I'm sure their are plenty of parents that have no idea what their child is into. If the had the thought of their child hurting someone else especially their grandchild they would have took some reprocussions to prevent this crap


Posted 12:53 pm, 04/28/2011

I have been reading this thread for some time now and I just have to say something. To the ones of you who think these kids should be placed with family members, you are dead wrong. When I was a child I was taken from my parents by DSS. And yes, it hurt. I thought my heart would literally break. I was young but I remember it all very well. Anyway, my point is you have to look at the big picture. I am thankful now for what happened because it made me a better person and it gave me a better chance at life. Of course I wanted to be home, but it wasn't what was best for me. I needed to be completely separated from family and I was. I still love my parents dearly, and I know they did the best they could. But sometimes your best just isn't good enough, especially when the well being of a child is involved. The family should leave these kids alone and let them have a real chance in life.

So Far Away

Posted 11:59 am, 04/28/2011

Just like someone else said, the grandparents would allow the parents to have unsupervised visits with the kids and would probably let them take them off somewhere. You can't trust them. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree so looking at these "parents", I can only imagine how the grandparents are.

sheetsgap, you said that the girls are somewhere safe, are they with a foster family or what? I'm just curious, I really hope they place them in a loving home with a real mother and father so they can see what a real family is like and feel loved.


Posted 11:49 am, 04/28/2011

sheetsgap - do you not know how to spell (shud-wud-gud) ? does that mean should-would & good? talk about drugs what does johnny do?


Posted 10:45 am, 04/28/2011

lol u people taking up for the grandparents ,ha the grandmother cussed if gavin was late getting the girls and never wanted to keep them ,so what has changed ? the grandparents arent saints the grandmom disowned melissa get a life people even melissa stated that . ,and if you know them u wud know that .so why shud the granparents try be rewarded these children.Where there at ,they are happy ,and arent around pills or drugs ,there safe there not being abused ,ther loved .LEAVE THEM BE ,THEY DESERVE HAPPINESS ..NOT WHAT THE GRANDPRENTS WANT .And as for school wow they won't be made fun of thats just an escape ur trying to use to make the granparents look gud AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN ...Everyones family takes up for there children ,but if you abuse or mistreat children you shud pay ....I personally think that johnny and renee shud get the children ..Pray these children stay or will be placed with gud loving parents therefore being the parents love and care for the children ,and continue putting the childrens well being FIRST NOT THE GRANDPARENTS ....CHILDREN ARE FIRST EVEN TO GOD ....

Hot Mess

Posted 9:54 am, 04/28/2011

Maybe the grandparents are good people, but can you honestly say the grandparents would never see this people again in their lives in order to protect these children? I think not, therefore the children need to be placed in secure homes away from "Any" of the family.


Posted 8:24 am, 04/28/2011

froggymorning, thats right the truth does hurt, thats way im not hurting


Posted 8:21 am, 04/28/2011

To all who know and do not know the family . Are the grandparents suppose to be comdemed for the things their children do ? Does everyone on here have perfect kids? Once your children are grown you have no control what they do. I think Melissa or Gavin neither needs the kids . But the grandparents are good people, as good as any of you on here. if you think they are druggies, state the facts , because i sure dont know this.All of you people are judging these grandparents, and you are not God. Do you think its not harming these kids putting them with people whom they dont know, and not with people who love them, like the grandparents. They have another daughter that is graduating this and has already been working over a year, she is a very good girl, so they did something right with her.


Posted 4:19 am, 04/28/2011

Truth hurts.


Posted 3:19 am, 04/28/2011

Amen So Far Away!

So Far Away

Posted 9:57 pm, 04/27/2011

Well, their criminal record and well known reputation around the county isnt just hear say. Some people on here actually know them and have told how messed up they are. What about those of us that went to school with them and remember them this way even back in highschool? Its amazing that some people try to pretend that they arent drug addicts or child abusers. These girls will not be made fun of in school b/c of what others say about their "parents", they will however be made fun of if they are raised by a bunch of trashy drug addicts. I hope these girls never have to see that kind of life again. What you dont understand is that the people on here that are wishing these girls a better life actually DO care about them and we dont even know them. I dont have to know the mother to know that she was not putting her children first and that she has some serious issues. All of these people need help, but its obvious that they do not need to be raising these children.


Posted 9:23 pm, 04/27/2011

froggymorning thanks for the kind words


Posted 5:20 pm, 04/27/2011

you're a jerk!!!! you're just going alone with everything everyone has posted on here...which is gossip!!!! they think they know whats going on, and in reality they know nothing!!!! NOTHING!!!! you know when Madison and brooklyn grow up and see everyone talking bs about their family how you think thats going to make them feel? Then having to deal with bullies and mean kids going to school making fun of them b/c what everyone "THINKS" they know about their family!!!! you have no concerns about the girls well being if you did you would just stop, and let god work his magic!!!! let these little angels live in peace!!!! God Bless you Madison & Brooklyn!!!!


Posted 5:09 pm, 04/27/2011

My opinion remains as is. Doped up trash shouldn't be allowed to breed.


Posted 5:08 pm, 04/27/2011

they didnt let anything happen...they didnt even know it was going to happen!! can you see the future? THINK NOT!!!!

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