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baby abused in


Posted 11:31 pm, 04/28/2011

and Madison does have a carseat ive seen her ride in it, as well as brooklyn having a boosterseat


Posted 11:29 pm, 04/28/2011

guess what people lie and its like omg i see a thread talking about this guy/girl i dont like lets put a bunch of crap to make them out worse than what they are


Posted 11:25 pm, 04/28/2011

you need to reread your stuff b/c i never said that about gavin


Posted 11:24 pm, 04/28/2011

am i taking up for jacob? I think not!!! do you know any of these people? if not then how do you know she abused her kids? b/c jacob attacked poor little Maddi? this was out of the mother and family's hands, they had no clue he was going to go crazy!!! It could have been any girl he was dating at the time!!! She was not out to hurt her girls...maybe she wasnt a perfect mother, but she never neglected or abused!!

So Far Away

Posted 11:23 pm, 04/28/2011

I havent taken the time to read all the arguing on the last 2 pages b/c its just a bunch of nonsense.

No one has to "talk junk" for anyone with any sense at all to see that this WHOLE bunch is messed up and has no business having children. The way I see it, if you can't manage yourself, don't bring an innocent child into the picture. Mama19, you yourself said how Gavin took the girls into a dangerous situation, and then wrecked his vehicle. Not long ago, someone posted how Melissa and Jacob were driving around with the 2 year old WITHOUT a car seat. Now, if that doesnt prove that theres not enough sense between the 3 of them to care for a child, then I dont know what does.

None of them are good parents, I mean, look at their criminal record. I'm sure 99% of mature, hard working, loving, caring, and responsible parents, no matter their age, do not have ANY criminal background. And those who do, well, its these type of people. Drug addict criminals who just go out and reproduce with any ol' thing that will lay down with them.

So once again, no one has to talk junk for the obvious to be obvious. They've done this to themself and these poor babies are the ones suffering.


Posted 11:11 pm, 04/28/2011

I don't care if you think I'm a snob. People who know me all know I'm not. I'm about as far away from being a snob as a person can get. I just don't like child abusers or people who allow others to abuse their children and I refuse to defend them. I would feel the same way if it was my own family member, best friend or whoever. It doesn't matter. I was serious about seeing things more clearly when you're older. It's that way with all of us. There's something to be said for growing older and feeling differently about things than you did when you were younger. But, like I said, I won't defend child abusers and I don't understand why you or anyone else would.


Posted 11:06 pm, 04/28/2011

Mandi I'm not mad nor do I have hurt feelings...I'm just sick and tired of people talking junk


Posted 11:04 pm, 04/28/2011

I see things crystal clear thanks!!! I don't care if you think I'm immature, atleast you don't think I'm snobby


Posted 11:00 pm, 04/28/2011

Mama19, I don't know what your problem is but grow up honey. Maybe when you're older and more mature you will be able to see things more clearly. Your posts are sounding more and more immature with each one. If I didn't know differently I would think you were 12 years old, maybe. I'm not perfect, but I think most people posting on this thread, as well as myself, see this a little more clearly than you do.


Posted 10:55 pm, 04/28/2011

Facts are Facts. I never meant to make anyone mad or hurt anyones feelings. I am not that type of person. I dont know who abused this child and its not my place to determine that. The judge and the detectives will determine that throughout the investigation and at trial. I havent said anything more that what most people on here have said(mainly that drugs played a huge role in this) so I dont see what the problem is. I havent even posted on this thread in quite a while until this evening. I wish the best for both the girls and the unborn child.


Posted 10:55 pm, 04/28/2011

you know I have a life too but he's in bed now so its my computer time...get over yourself...OMG Im so perfect b/c I was taking for my family now I'm better than everyone else!!!


Posted 10:52 pm, 04/28/2011

people are so ignorant she didn't let him do a d*** thing..he wouldn't have been around if she knew this was going to happen!!!!


Posted 10:50 pm, 04/28/2011

Jacob is the one who hurt Maddi


Posted 10:50 pm, 04/28/2011

you have and every post you have put on here has been bad!!! you think your S*** doesnt stink...well guess what it doesnt smell like roses!!!


Posted 10:50 pm, 04/28/2011

Also,mama19, Maybe you can tell me how a "real mother" can sleep at night knowing she's allowing some piece of crap to abuse her kids? It didn't seem to bother this "mother" when it was happening. So she needs to let them go and be happy. That's the best gift she could ever give them.


Posted 10:46 pm, 04/28/2011

mama19, I didnt say anything "bad" about anyone. I was clearly asking what would happen to the infant if it were born while the mother is in custody. If you are referring to the statement about her being around kids, I think thats common sense. Obviously, she failed being a mother to 2 children already so what would make any of us think the next child would be different.


Posted 10:45 pm, 04/28/2011

No, it didn't take me long at all to read the posts. I just don't sit at my computer 24 hours a day. I actually have a life.


Posted 10:43 pm, 04/28/2011

people on here are just haters!!!


Posted 10:41 pm, 04/28/2011

see its taking you longer to read the posts than it is for me to type them lol maybe you're the one who needs someone to read it to you


Posted 10:40 pm, 04/28/2011

Panzy whip her arse

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