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baby abused in


Posted 10:40 pm, 04/28/2011

s*** happens when you're typing fast people make mistakes..but you I guess b/c you're so perfect right!!!


Posted 10:36 pm, 04/28/2011

the first part of my post was to you, but the last I meant to put towards sheetsgap..just wanted to clear that up i thought I typed it but I didnt, I had to go back and read what I wrote...but what I said I meant If you love your kids then how could you have the heart to just give them away, then just forget about it? How would a real mother be able to sleep at night? you have a right to your opinion, just like I do!!!


Posted 10:25 pm, 04/28/2011

mama19, I just saw your reply to my post from earlier today and I must say you are full of excuses aren't you? Let me clear up a couple of things for you. First of all I am NOT any of Gavin's family. I personally don't think either side of this family should get those kids. And you talk about them fighting for these kids. Where was all this "fight" when this child was getting abused? That's when they should have fought for their kids. Better yet, they should never have allowed someone, anyone to beat their kids. And yes, if I knew I was that much of a failure as a parent, that I would allow someone to abuse my kids, then yes I would let them go and be safe and happy. That's called putting your children before yourself. Also, please tell me where I told "a bunch of bs lies" as you put it. I simply stated my own personal experience, and then went on to say that these kids deserve to be safe and happy. Please read over what I posted earlier and point out the "BS LIES". It really doesn't matter what you say at this point. The fact remains that these kids were not protected and they deserve to be somewhere safe. Here's another fact for you. This isn't about these so called parents anyway. It's about the well being of these kids. By the way, since you are so interested, I have 2 children, both grown now and doing well. And I managed to raise them without either of them ever being neglected or abused! Also, I never said that Melissa said anything. Read back over my first post, or better yet have someone read it to you!


Posted 10:19 pm, 04/28/2011

mandi do you get pleasure from talking bad about other people?


Posted 10:08 pm, 04/28/2011

Since Melissa is pregnant again I know that DSS wouldnt take the baby when its born, only if she ever abuses or neglects it in the future.(Which I think is crazy) However, if she is in custody when the child is born, will the infant go onto a foster home or what? Clearly, this "woman" doesnt need to be around children EVER again. I just hope the child will be taken care of and not exposed to this type of environment like the other two were.


Posted 9:58 pm, 04/28/2011

I figured her out so now she's hiding and won't come out and play anymore!!!


Posted 9:53 pm, 04/28/2011

and she isnt going to...she's on another thread talking about being Christain like haha thats funny when she was the one on here talking junk about everyone


Posted 9:44 pm, 04/28/2011

sheetsgap- you never did say what kind of drug johnny does!!! Gavin never has taken care of those girls,maybe watched them some, but what about the time he went to buy drugs and the kids in the van, and a guy busted the windows out . the kids had glass all over them, then the time he wrecked the van with both girls in it , they could have been killed, and maddie only two now.Hes such a great father,right


Posted 9:05 pm, 04/28/2011

Listen here Missy...The decision to have my son was not a bad choice, actually the best desicion I've ever made...My son is the best thing thats ever happened to me!!! Yes I did get pregnant at 19, but my 2 year old is the happiest kid you'll ever see!!! A mother's age means nothing, she can care, love, protect, and take care of her kids!!! I have been good to those girls also..they WOULD come over and play with my son, or we WOULD go over to their grandparents and let them play!!! I've also seen how the grandparents are with these girls, and they are so good to Madison & Brooklyn...they love these Angels!!!! Also FYI I have no problem with Gavin, he tries, but Gavin's family is talking a bunch of BS about Madison & Brooklyn's family when they have no room to talk...They even talk junk about Gavin, now what kind of loving family is that? And, No I'm not family of either Melissa or Gavin!! Also I know Gavin sat in court and cried, but you know Melissa WOULD do the same if she COULD have been there, and yes she wanted to get bailed out, but only b/c she wanted to be at the custody hearing...she has now decided to just pull her time since the hearing is over for NOW!!! She has bawled her eyes out to me more than one time over all this, her girls not being with her, and the hurt these girls are going through b/c the actions of this man who was supposed to love them!!! And believe me she has not gave up, she's fighting as much as she can right now...which step one is getting her jail time done and out of the way!!! Step two I don't know yet, but she does and she can make it happen!!! Sweety, I'm not playing games, I stopped playing games when I was younger, and I have no reason to lie about anything...I'm just stating facts!!! Also I called you a drunken idiot, I said nothing about pills..are you trying to tell on yourself on a public website? Haha I guess so, you said it not me!!! Also I need to grow up? Come on now is that the best you've got? I'm an adult, I know reality...Ive been through a lot in my life that only made me stronger and wiser!!! And I graduated high school..I don't think the same COULD be said for you, if so you need to go back and retake English, Grammar, Spelling, and Reading!!! BTW you need to know the meanings of words before you put it in a sentence!!! Another question you say you saw the video...how did you see it when police, DSS, Gavin & Melissa are the only ones who have seen it?


Posted 8:27 pm, 04/28/2011

There is proof on the video and yes she shud stay locked up she is just as guilty as jacob ! And gud understand this isn't a spelling contest and no there isn't a god mother ! Duhh but in all honesty everyone of the people in wilkes shud have a chance to view the footage from that video , and winston pd took her cell phone for evidence in this case ! Where she was texting jacob while being questioned in winston. So who knows what charges are ahead ? Her defence was to why did she tell jacob there's a camara WAS so she knew maddie was safe she cud sleep .my gosh ur child is on life support u were at wrmc outside laughing and sitting on jacobs lap and ur child was in a coma duh how stupid , if ur child is on life support why wud u play and laugh and then supposely sleep ! Hello that cud have been the last time she cud hold her talk to her tell her u love her not pretend sleep its all on VIDEO WATCH IT it was the worst thing u wud ever want to witness or see ! Very graphic ...I say she is GUILTY ! Prove me wrong not gonna happen !! NOT NOT


Posted 8:27 pm, 04/28/2011

There is proof on the video and yes she shud stay locked up she is just as guilty as jacob ! And gud understand this isn't a spelling contest and no there isn't a god mother ! Duhh but in all honesty everyone of the people in wilkes shud have a chance to view the footage from that video , and winston pd took her cell phone for evidence in this case ! Where she was texting jacob while being questioned in winston. So who knows what charges are ahead ? Her defence was to why did she tell jacob there's a camara WAS so she knew maddie was safe she cud sleep .my gosh ur child is on life support u were at wrmc outside laughing and sitting on jacobs lap and ur child was in a coma duh how stupid , if ur child is on life support why wud u play and laugh and then supposely sleep ! Hello that cud have been the last time she cud hold her talk to her tell her u love her not pretend sleep its all on VIDEO WATCH IT it was the worst thing u wud ever want to witness or see ! Very graphic ...I say she is GUILTY ! Prove me wrong not gonna happen !! NOT NOT


Posted 8:02 pm, 04/28/2011

Sheetsgap, if Melissa stated Jacob there's a camera hello,she is as guilty as he is. She was watching and knew everything that was done to the little girl. I say, lock her *** up.


Posted 7:28 pm, 04/28/2011

"Gud?" What is a "gud" mother? Do you mean godmother?


Posted 7:20 pm, 04/28/2011

Listen mami19 sounds like by ur name u made sum pretty bad choices ! And gavins family are gud people they want what's best for the children ! Gavin himself was told by an attorney he himself cud get those children solo not with melissa that being said u as well as all of wilkes co.know he isn't going to stay away from the mother . So therefore those children need to stay where there at ! And idiot no I'm not drunk nor do I drink nor do I do narcotic pain meds ! So therefore I am a gud mother and know a mother not an idiot shud take care of there children instead of putting PILLS AND MEN 1st . If u wud fight for ur children then why didn't the mother u keep trying to take up for . Everyone of melissas family takes up for her ! THE VIDEO is all the proof the police need and when Jacob testifies he will spill the beans on her ! Also if ur pregnant ur unborn shud come first not a flippin PILL she sits and wud do them with even her stepdad ! Get a life cause u aren't interfering with those childrens again ! And yes absolutly Johnny and renee are very gud parents he wouldn't even allow Gavin to bring melissa to there home ,after this so wow he's smart .unlike dss placed brroklyn with the grandparents and boom what happened they allowed Melissa to come around so stop with ur lies and stupid games ! Gavin shud stay away be a better parent and get his children , will he only God knows .you can lie to wilkes co but u can't lie to God he knows the truth in which isn't all being told as of yet ! Who sit in court and cried there eyes out GAVIN not melissa she was just worried who wud go her bail and if she was getting charged duhhhh u seem to be a kid , grow up wake up alice this isn't wonderland ,this is about 2 precious little girls and what's best for them not us THEM . So there it is on the contrary that these kids are to remain in appropriate care and thru DSS not anywhere else at this time until proven otherwise !!! Ain't gonna happen !!! Have a blessed nite !

So Far Away

Posted 7:08 pm, 04/28/2011

Sheets, just reading what you said about what he done to that poor baby makes me so so so angry! :( I totally agree with you, none of these children need to be with any of this family.


Posted 7:06 pm, 04/28/2011

Hang That Trash.... All of them. Then they will not abuse a baby again


Posted 6:31 pm, 04/28/2011

takenaway...do you have kids or grandkids? well if you do then you know d*** good and well if they were taken from you, you couldn't just forget about it and leave them a lone!!! And if you do then you're a bad mother for not loving them the way you should!!! If my kid was taking away from me I would fight for them until my death no matter what!!!! also you putting stuff on here that Melissa "said" is so not right...if she did she wouldnt be cleared of what happened that night, she would be charged as well duh to you!!! sounds like you are the drunken idiot!!! Just sounds like you're one of the family's haters...maybe some of Gavin's family? Idk but you're talking out your a**!!! BTW a lot of people on here want nothing but the best for these girls, so stop putting people down and stop telling a bunch of bs lies!!!!


Posted 5:42 pm, 04/28/2011

Oh by the way Melissa knew she was pregnant : But still used opid pain meds , therefore she wasn't looking out for the welfare of an unborn child let alone a child already here . So that proves to me that she dosent need that child either . So god willing the unborn will get chance at life and get a gud loving home also just as the girls have ! If u watched that video u wud see and hear the ungodly seens , nobody nobody deserves what maddie went thru , he flipped her eyes he hit her in the stomach and stopped her air ! People get real there isn't a real mother around that wud lay there and tell the bf there is a camara and then allow such horrible things to happen to there baby . I'm just glad it has stopped for these 2 and now there is another life being abused inside a womb . But jail will keep it clean until she is out ! Prayers for the girls and the baby !


Posted 5:24 pm, 04/28/2011

There still. Investigating watch the outcome !


Posted 5:09 pm, 04/28/2011

Posted 5:05 pm, 04/28/2011
Dei88 if ur not drunk what's up ur taking up for the grandparents and mom duh these girls are where GOD has put them . Nothing u say is gonna change the fact of what happened to the girls . U see god will deal with the ones who did wrong and so will the judge ! Melissa on the video STATED JACOB THERS A CAMERA HELLO

If thats true, why is she not charged with aiding and betting child abuse?

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