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Are we dealing with a new species?

unarmed black man

Posted 5:59 pm, 04/12/2023

i dont think this is a real issue, seems created by the media. Kind of like when there is plenty of gas or TP to go around if consumption stayed average. Then the news gets on there and says "hey waterheads, stuffs crazy right now everyones freaking out and buying up all the gas and TP theres almost none left" Everyone that has plenty of each runs to the store and gets all they can. Just like there may be a sexually confused student here and there, or maybe others want more attention than they are getting. They see the news making a orgy ordeal about it and has everyone fighting and discussing it. So then they say "me too".

But if i did think this was a real issue i have a simple solution. You have the olympics. then they have the special olympics. they have it separate for male and female. So it seems logical that they should have the transgender league in schools. let the boys and girls play together and see how long it takes for the females that was "born male" to start complaining that it isnt fair. And likely there wont be enough of them to even have teams, so they would have to start recruiting until the numbers are right


Posted 4:23 pm, 04/12/2023

For whatever reason transgenders exist. Nature has created them. Racists, h*mophobes, bigots also exist. However, it is not nature that created them; it is a sick culture.


Posted 2:43 pm, 04/12/2023

You know what they say, it's the best of both worlds.


Posted 2:43 pm, 04/12/2023

It's comfy and free, what else can i say. I do go to walmart to pick up trans once a month.


Posted 2:39 pm, 04/12/2023

Leave the basement once in awhile.


Posted 2:36 pm, 04/12/2023

We are evolving into both sexes. The internet, social media causing this. We just type and live alone in our parents basement. We are becoming are own sexual partner. My female name is Tess, my male name is Carl. I'm in love with Tess.


Posted 2:31 pm, 04/12/2023

What I see is normalizing all kinds of stuff. I like some things, like wearing my pj's to walmart. No I don't wear pj's to walmart [humor]. Anywho I agree with unfried of this. Really I don't care what grown adult do with their bodies, kids are another subject. What type of message are we sending to the youth of today? But it could be evolution, you know we came from apes, right?


Posted 2:27 pm, 04/12/2023

9th Graders can however join JROTC. The conditioning starts young for that too. I don't think personally we should be able to adults until 21. Period.


Posted 2:24 pm, 04/12/2023

I'm just saying it's the woke thingy. People are seeing it everywhere. Woman in a bath tub, no, no, it's a man. I'm sure the rest of the world is laughing their arses off at us. It's like people are getting out of bed, should I be a man today or a woman.Their closet would be half/half. Oh when it comes to sex I will have more choices. When it comes to taping down my t*tties I draw the line. Wonder if the men tape their penis down. Anyone?


Posted 1:54 pm, 04/12/2023

13 year olds can't sign up for the military

It's the left that says young people's minds aren't developed enough till 25 to know it's wrong to kill somebody


Posted 1:52 pm, 04/12/2023

A mediocre man just won a woman's golf tournament in Australia


Posted 1:41 pm, 04/12/2023

I wholly agree Goddess. Perfectly stated.


Posted 1:37 pm, 04/12/2023

"Are we dealing with a new species?"

No! What you're dealing with are closed, small minded, wannabee controlling humans.

No matter what one does to their body, they will always be the way they were born. There is no amount of surgery, medications or lifestyle that is going to change that, none! They can pretend their new found hormonal medication can change that...they can pretend if they decide surgical reconstruction...but the bottom line, is they will always be either female or male.

It doesn't matter what kind of sports either sex plays...the bottom line is, are they going to be physically fit and emotionally prepared to be qualified to play, golf, football, basketball...or croquet???
This should be the same for military duty and or law enforcement candidates.


Posted 1:27 pm, 04/12/2023

Do you believe the same applies to the military? Do you think a person should be 25 to sign up?


Posted 1:23 pm, 04/12/2023

Conservatives don't care they trans. We just don't want men in women's sports and leave the kids alone. If you're 25 and want to go under the knife long as you pay for it and my tax dollars don't have at it.


Posted 1:17 pm, 04/12/2023

No, it's visibility. Even now, trans people are more likely to be victims of sexual assault and murder. When I was growing up, it was still pretty common to hear about a trans person being killed or experiencing hate crimes. That's why when someone tells me they are transsexual and that's how they want to live their lives I respect them. Who would choose to be ostracized by society the way that trans people are?


Posted 1:02 pm, 04/12/2023

That's the problem Idle, when I was a kid two or three, now I'm thinking millions. Evolution?


Posted 12:52 pm, 04/12/2023

Liberal media blame Gaines for getting punched. Women shouldn't have an opinion weather they have to go against men.


Posted 10:28 am, 04/12/2023

Woman having to fight democrats for their rights again


Posted 10:26 am, 04/12/2023

With only three trans identifying people, shouldn't be an issue.

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