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Anyone experience this.


Posted 9:40 am, 10/22/2014

20mg thats a high dose isnt it? It probably needs lowered.


Posted 8:09 am, 10/22/2014

Thanks for all the replies, and I have set up an appt. Your welcome hesaid she said for the cut...and thank you. I am having them check my medication and my sugar just to be safe.

White hawk

Posted 12:50 am, 10/22/2014

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 9:28 pm, 10/16/2014

Your doctor may need to lower your dosage, or switch you to something else. When you stood up, your heart couldn't push blood to your brain fast enough, which is what caused the dizziness and black out.
If your blood pressure isn't dangerously high, you might want to consider going off of the prescription entirely, and try taking Hawthorn berry extract (over the counter) instead:


If you take other prescription drugs, though, talk with a holistic practitioner first to make sure there aren't going to be any major side effects.

For the love of Pete, don't start taking OTCs and stopping your BP medicine. See a doctor.

You know we are all a "little tetched in the haid" on GW and there are not very many doctors on the site. If there are any then they wouldn't prescribe meds without evaluating the patient with an office visit, etc.


Posted 12:33 am, 10/22/2014

I am not a doctor but my wife and I are both diabetics and we keep a blood pressure wrist cuff and glucose checker handy all the time so we can check our pressure and sugar when we are not feeling like we are suppose too.


Posted 10:59 pm, 10/21/2014

Hey Tag.....Thank you for the hair cut today....It was great. Just saw your post and wanted to say that I bet your allergic to the blood pressure medication your taking. I was amazed at your size that you would even have a problem with your blood pressure but if it runs in your family history then I think i know what is wrong since i had this issue. I was on the lisinopril for my blood pressure and I had scratchy throat, cold sweat incidents with the passing out a few times and was taking this for 3 years until i started telling my dr. what was happening, and he said i was allergic to the medication. I had shaking hand tremors somewhat. I passed out maybe 10 times in a 3 year period thinking maybe it was sugar related but once he switch my medication i never had a problem again. So being that your a small girl and are on blood pressure meds, you prob. need to talk with your dr. about switching your blood pressure meds. Just a thought. Take care see you in a month or so.


Posted 5:17 pm, 10/17/2014

This can also be a side effect of medication...especially when mixed with alcohol...no accusations...even a glass of wine with certain medications and conditions can cause this. And, if you have PVCs.

Hot Mess

Posted 5:16 pm, 10/17/2014

Hangingleft maybe on to something. Obeastity can cause this.

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 4:16 pm, 10/17/2014

OK I'm going to take a stab and say it's because you have "the sugar" and "heart issue" and most likely over weight. Maybe take a bit better care of yourself. Just an observation not an incrimination.


Posted 5:14 pm, 10/17/2014

sounds like low blood sugar to me


Posted 4:47 pm, 10/17/2014

You keep taking medical advice from people on this site go ahead and buy your head stone before you kick the bucket.


Posted 4:16 pm, 10/17/2014

OK I'm going to take a stab and say it's because you have "the sugar" and "heart issue" and most likely over weight. Maybe take a bit better care of yourself. Just an observation not an incrimination.


Posted 9:52 am, 10/17/2014

This happened to a guy I know, except he was at work. He had an aneurysm in a heart valve. I'd go see a cardiologist.


Posted 8:30 am, 10/17/2014

vertigo...simply rolling over to get out of bed can cause this or standing up from bed or a chair. dizziness, cold sweats, nausea and fainting can be associated with vertigo.


Posted 7:55 am, 10/17/2014

"felt very dizzy all of a sudden, broke out in a cold sweat, and blacked out"....low blood sugar can cause those symptoms


Posted 7:53 am, 10/17/2014

Go see Dr. Greg House. He's really good but a bit abrasive.


Posted 9:31 pm, 10/16/2014

Lisinopril isn't a beta blocker, so it shouldn't be slowing your heart rate. However, you could still be orthostatic(BP dropping upon standing). Or, as others have suggested, have your blood sugar checked as well. Call your doc. Hope you feel better! :)


Posted 9:30 pm, 10/16/2014

Nope,,,no rotten teeth thank goodness...lol


Posted 9:29 pm, 10/16/2014

No,,,I was at my friends house which is a mobile home and the living room is beside the kitchen...open floor plan...anyways.. the fridge was just a few steps away...lol

Hot Mess

Posted 9:29 pm, 10/16/2014

If your teeth are rotten it can cause heart problems.


Posted 9:28 pm, 10/16/2014

Your doctor may need to lower your dosage, or switch you to something else. When you stood up, your heart couldn't push blood to your brain fast enough, which is what caused the dizziness and black out.

If your blood pressure isn't dangerously high, you might want to consider going off of the prescription entirely, and try taking Hawthorn berry extract (over the counter) instead:


If you take other prescription drugs, though, talk with a holistic practitioner first to make sure there aren't going to be any major side effects.


Posted 9:27 pm, 10/16/2014

Lisinoptil 20 mg taken in the morning. When i woke up I did sit on the edge of the bed before i got up, didn't feel funny till i reached the kitchen...But maybe I will get my sugar checked just incase...Had it checked before, but it was fine....Just scared me.... Someone said it could be an early sign of a heart attack in a woman...i don't know...I didn't have any chest pains...

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