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antithesis; Without going off subject how would you explain Six Day Creation??


Posted 11:07 am, 03/25/2023

Fox. Onlyfacts is a liar just like you and Christianity, You are just what is called Gullible believe anything that can't be proved TRUTHFUL. How can anyone place Adam as six day CREATION when The Lord God formed Adam to be a Farmer..


Posted 6:20 am, 03/25/2023

Thanks, Onlyfacts, that helps a little in clarifying how "The Way" cult retains its fringe group of space cadets. I must say, such a small tidbit of offscouring of humanity sure can go off the deep end trying to explain something they know nothing about. I was afraid someone might misunderstand Mikey's insanity for something spiritual.


Posted 6:14 am, 03/25/2023

mhj (view profile)

Posted 11:03 am, 03/24/2023

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 5:09 am, 03/24/2023

You must not have Faith, you can't and never have explained it. You only ask questions, you are a fake Mikey
Answer the question but you want because you would have to admit that six day CREATION and ADAM are different.

Adam and a banana sandwich are different. Geeesh


Posted 11:28 pm, 03/24/2023

26 And GOD SAID, Let US make man in OUR IMAGE, after OUR LIKENESS: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So GOD CREATED man in HIS OWN IMAGE, in the IMAGE OF GOD created he him; male and female created he THEM.
28 And GOD BLESSED THEM, and God said UNTO THEM, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and SUBDUE IT: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth


Posted 5:56 pm, 03/24/2023

A brief summary of Michael's beliefs from his posts here:

1. Someone called Father God created everything and people BUT Adam and Eve. This happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. The people that Father God created were of all races except white. There were no white people on the Earth.
2. Then, about 6000 years ago, someone called God created Adam and Eve in his image to tend his garden. Since God was white, they were white too. The white race was born.
3. Adam and Eve fell into sin. They were tempted by a snake, which was a black man.
4. 2000 years later the flood happens. Noah, who is white, survives. But so do other people of colors all over the planet.
5. Sometime later Moses get the law from God. The law is ONLY the 10 commandments first recorded in Exodus 20. All other laws are of man and don't have to be followed.
6. 2000 years ago, Jesus came to save man. Jesus was white because he was the son of God. We're not sure if he thinks Jesus was born of a virgin or not, but he was for sure white.
7. Jesus words in the4 Gospels and the following the 10 commandments to the letter will get you into heaven.
8. He also believes that Holidays are evil, as is going to church, and calling Sunday the Sabbath.


Posted 11:03 am, 03/24/2023


Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 5:09 am, 03/24/2023

You must not have Faith, you can't and never have explained it. You only ask questions, you are a fake Mikey
Answer the question but you want because you would have to admit that six day CREATION and ADAM are different.


Posted 10:59 am, 03/24/2023

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 5:49 am, 03/24/2023

I have faith about lots of things I do not understand, like car engines and electricity

That's not Faith that's expectations. Faith in Jesus means you have Total confidence in what Jesus taught will come to be and you will obey whatever he TAUGHT. TOTAL COMMITMENT.


Posted 7:44 am, 03/24/2023

Goddess has never denied God.


Posted 7:32 am, 03/24/2023

And you are right about cars. Everything on earth changes and nothing lasts forever. Everything on earth decays.


Posted 7:25 am, 03/24/2023

It does not depress me.


Posted 7:24 am, 03/24/2023

And sooner or later that old car will need to be replaced. Enjoy your 200,000 mile ride here, but the road goes on. It is evident you and people like Goddess are God deniers. No hope past this present life is depressing


Posted 6:40 am, 03/24/2023

I do not believe in the immortal soul. I do not care about eternal benefits. But every time I turn that key in the ignition, I believe the car will start. Every time I flip that light switch, I believe the light will come on.


Posted 5:58 am, 03/24/2023

We are not talking about partial faith in a faithless object for temporary benefits

We are talking about absolute faith in flawless subject for eternal benefits
Would you put your soul in the care of your car?


Posted 5:49 am, 03/24/2023

I have faith about lots of things I do not understand, like car engines and electricity.


Posted 5:09 am, 03/24/2023

You must not have Faith, you can't and never have explained it. You only ask questions, you are a fake Mikey


Posted 10:55 pm, 03/23/2023

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 10:46 pm, 03/23/2023

it doesn't matter, that is not what faith is supposed to be about and if this is what your faith is about mikey...well..well...we really already know the hypocrite that you really are

How or why put Faith in something that you can't explain? That's why Christianity can do what it's doing. Hypocrite. I don't say I'm Christ like and follow the doctrine of man.


Posted 10:50 pm, 03/23/2023

The 6-day creation is a fantasy. The entire concept of God is a fantasy created out of humanity's fear of death.


Posted 10:46 pm, 03/23/2023

it doesn't matter, that is not what faith is supposed to be about and if this is what your faith is about mikey...well..well...we really already know the hypocrite that you really are.


Posted 10:08 pm, 03/23/2023

Fox. Then explain it.


Posted 9:28 pm, 03/23/2023

You have never tried to explain it although you entire life is wrapped up in it. Surely it is simple enough for people to understand. Someone besides you and your daughter.

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