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Another Biden Lie Exposed


Posted 10:56 am, 06/23/2022

Singer, your little wet dream about Trump is sad.

Biden got the votes needed to oust Trump because folks wanted to be sure to make Trump a one term loser.
You can lie all you want, write a book, it doesn't change the facts.
Elon Musk was right, folks were ..."tired of the drama."


Posted 10:49 am, 06/23/2022

Singer, do you use the Constitution as TP?


Posted 10:01 am, 06/23/2022

years and years of the GW mush brains believing every lie they were told by their handlers., and they still do.

No matter what evidence they see to the contrary, they insist you believe the lies along with them.

How is it possible there is anyone anywhere who 'believes' that crooked joe got EIGHTY ONE MILLION VOTES. You have to be a brainwashed completely unable to think on your own.

Then add that old joe got more votes than obama, and they still don't get it, you know there is a certain percentage of the brainwashed that will never be worth much of anything ever again.

For some, and there's several on this site, for those, they can't be reached by facts of logic, their 'brainwashing is forever'.

And we already know they are mentally damaged. We already know they are much less intelligent than what they have been told to believe about themselves.

The are 'college educated' you know. They are 'the elite' they think. Just more proof you really can't fix stupid.

And they are still hanging on every lie they are fed about Trump from the latest clown show going on.

meanwhile, Trump is still setting records everywhere he goes for a rally. Thousands drive hours to go. He the most popular politician in the world.. And his has more money in his political coffers than any dem, or the RNC

And he'e the FORTY FIFTH, FORTY SIXTH, and will be the FORTY SEVENTH POTUS...

Just think mush brains, for the next hundred and more years,. historians will record he was the 'greatest potus' ever. How he won three elections, how he exposed the corruption in gov. all over the world, how he brought America back from the brink of ruin by the commies that brainwashed the GW mush brains.

And under President Trump the education system will be restored to teaching what it is supposed to.

Like American History, and the history of Donald J Trump as 'A PRESIDENT LIKE NO OTHER' the greatness of America's best POTUS in modern times.

And some of these mush brains will have children and grand kids sitting in those history classes learning all about what happened all during Trump's first term, how they stole an election in 2020, how it was revealed, and people tried and punished for Treason and Traitors to their country . and how their parents and grandparents were among the dumbest of mush brains who were led around by the nose with lies and empty promises for years.

How humiliating for those kids to learn their own family members are hopelessly brainwashed mush brains.


Posted 9:19 am, 06/23/2022

SO, 'ol nuffin'whiner posts more word salads proving once again its gotsa nuffin'.


Posted 9:08 am, 06/23/2022

"...if you want to discuss rising gas prices that don't matter in this context."

Meaning, it has nothing to do with what f*xanose was attempting to discredit, even though his/her gasbuddy link shows an immediate ride right after the Ukraine invasion, breaking from a trend line.

Pointing out the below $1.00/ gallon is as out of context as f*xanose OP. Oh, and the quote I think f*xanose is referring to would be the one that he said something about $2.00/gallon more since invasion, looks more like maybe $1.50 since invasion at it's peak (so far). f*xanose is attempting to say (as he/she has many times) that the russia invasion has had no impact on prices.

That was the point, thanks for helping get that across.


Posted 8:59 am, 06/23/2022

That's kind of the point...

Thanks for acknowledging that!


Posted 8:56 am, 06/23/2022

Hey nuffin'whiner, from the chart YOU posted your claim is not valid as the price of gas has fluctuated monthly since forever.

How does arguing about a moot point make YOU feel?


Posted 8:53 am, 06/23/2022

JustKnow (view profile)
Posted 6:40 am, 06/23/2022
Gas was $0.95/ gallon at one point under Clinton, been rising ever since, if you want to discuss rising gas prices that don't matter in this context.
Reread this post (which you clearly didn't read) and focus on the last sentence.

Again, thanks for playing!


Posted 8:51 am, 06/23/2022

Hey nuffin'whiner, try and keep up.

I already acknowledged that tidbit of information.

Coulda YOU tell us why YOU feel it is germane to this thread?


Posted 8:48 am, 06/23/2022

Posted 7:40 am, 06/23/2022
Quite fummy watching 'ol nuffin'whiner's three posts on this thread.

Taken together they are a word salad of disjointed thoughts combined with its worn out attack lines set to gig the thread.

Gas was never below a dollar per gallon under Clinton.
Last statement on this post from you, was a lie.

Thanks for playing!


Posted 8:07 am, 06/23/2022

Hey nuffin'whiner, YOU obviously don't know this but Clinton was president from Jan 1993 until Jan 2001.

From your chart it clearly shows that gas was under a dollar per gallon in August through November 1998.

Why do YOU feel that tidbit of information is germane to this thread?


Posted 7:56 am, 06/23/2022

For reference, Bill Clinton was president from 1992-2000. See below link and you can find the instances where national average was below $1.00 during that timeframe



Posted 7:40 am, 06/23/2022

Quite fummy watching 'ol nuffin'whiner's three posts on this thread.

Taken together they are a word salad of disjointed thoughts combined with its worn out attack lines set to gig the thread.

Gas was never below a dollar per gallon under Clinton.


Posted 7:22 am, 06/23/2022

Not so fast Lester, we all thought Jimmy Carter would hold that place until Biden came along. What if Kamala Harris ends up in the seat? Records are made to be broken

Lester White

Posted 7:16 am, 06/23/2022

Biden will be forever synonymous with "failure"


Posted 7:12 am, 06/23/2022

Justy, you never will get it.


Posted 7:00 am, 06/23/2022

Clinton caused the last recession,


Posted 6:40 am, 06/23/2022

Gas was $0.95/ gallon at one point under Clinton, been rising ever since, if you want to discuss rising gas prices that don't matter in this context.


Posted 6:37 am, 06/23/2022

Trend line lives matter.

Clearly not taught in private school between Whining 3500 and Ignorance 101.


Posted 6:12 am, 06/23/2022

Don't believe those lying eyes. Can you see when the drastic rise began?

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