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Do Christians understand that The LORD GOD FORMED ADAM through the Power of God the Father..
Read the Bible.

Media being exposed in front of your eyes
By the guilty verdict. Just keep watching.

riddle me this
What once in many many years. Occurs Monday June 3rd??? Adam12 will already know. Hint. All in an straight line. *NOT A POLITICAL TOPIC H...

Who else is on the list ?
Trump verdict puts US among infamous countries that prosecuted opposition leaders:

Who was Biden referring too?
They are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale," Biden continued. "And it's a sad commentary on society. We hav...

Trump and all his losers.
Watch them cry a river.

Democrats Charge Abraham Lincoln in Absentia
for stealing their slaves.

Important Message from Donald J Trump
Never Surrender !

Felony or misdemeanor ?
Will hunters felony charges be dismissed or reduced to misdemeanors. Will his father take the stand , how scared is his sister in law aft...

Have you ever felt a song
This one remiinds me of someone evertime I hear it http://www.youtube.com/wat...

Christian claim Jews are chosen people even after they REJECTED God and REJECTED JESUS.
1 Samuel 8 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to him, "You are old, and your son...

Remember When Donnie Said

Vermont becomes 1st state to enact law requiring oil companies pay for damage from climate change
Vermont has become the first state to enact a law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a share of the damage caused by climate change a...

If Trump goes to Prison
some good ole boys from up around North High are gonna go bust him out.

$52,800,000.00 in under 24 hours
The ONLY thing that NYC bull sh court rompers room did? Is piss off the MILLLLIONS of quiet.TRUMP supporters. Love ya! A MAGAT 'MERICA �...

President Trump Urges You to Register to VOTE.
And then exercise that privilege.

Trump is now considered a man against the system.
People are posting all over social how liberals have turned Trump into a martyr for the rage against the system folks out there and how t...

New Dating Trend: Old Women Seeing Young Guys
For a good laugh see 78 yr old Cher with 38 yr old boyfriend. Wouldn't you like to be a fly on that wall? Or, maybe not... https://www.yo...

Fox predicted that there would be a massive stock market crash if Trump was convicted.
Instead, the Dow had its best day of the year. https://x.com/MeidasTouch/s...0345006150

Come on red states. Hillary hid the payment for the fake Russia dossier as legal fees.
Someone has to charge her. That's election fraud. Everyone who said the Hunter lab top was fake was committing election interference. The...


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