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What do you think about North Carolina passing the law to legalize pot.


Posted 2:12 pm, 07/08/2014

Never get high, on your own supply

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 12:44 pm, 07/08/2014

Pot is not addictive.


Posted 10:44 am, 07/08/2014

this would be a stupid law , we already have speed demons on the road plus drunk drivers, now do you really want to put a driver on the road that has been smoking pot . and what are you going to do when people get addicted to this stuff no body is thinking about that are they no i didnt so. you watch the chickens will come home to roost . this is all about money and that is why its stupid.


Posted 10:24 am, 07/07/2014

All this talk about legalizing it is funny. I know people who have been smoking it for years, legal or not. When something like alcohol is legalized it is seen as condoned by society. About time we see that even if something is legalized it may not be right for you...like cigarettes. I smoked for years until I figured out they were not good for me and quit. Yahoo!


Posted 10:13 am, 07/07/2014

The new law only allows it to be used for treatment of seizures and the cannabis must be the strain that won't get you stoned. It can't contain more than 0.3% THC. The CBD part of the plant is considered the anti seizure medication.


Posted 6:02 am, 07/07/2014

The new NC law is an attempt to separate medicinal pain killing from "recreational" use. We don't need more drivers while intoxicated or more secondhand smoke or more doped zombies. We just need pain medication after surgery and to get off the pain medication promptly before getting addicted.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:13 pm, 07/06/2014

If someone driving is pulled, what is/is there a 'field test' for maijuana?


Posted 11:04 pm, 07/06/2014

When my husband had cancer he was so sick someone told him to smoke a joint he did it help with being sick all the time from treatments.So I am for it.Not to just smoke it to get high.


Posted 6:42 pm, 07/05/2014

Don't smoke and drive, stay alive.


Posted 12:03 pm, 07/05/2014

Sparkling water. There are two medicines by pharmas. Cannibol and Marinol. I wonder how they were approved by FDA when the feds say that weed has no medical value and right up there with the Schedule I substance. What a f***ing joke!

Big pharma can't patient a natural plant, but they can certainly stop the legalization and believe me that is their sole purpose. Most people don't know even why it was banned in the first place. This is no educational forum


Posted 9:11 pm, 07/01/2014

My mom suffered from severe neuropathy prior to her death in 2002. Her dr was trying to get her approved for a morphine pump she was in so much pain. She got morphine patches and even when wearing them she was often in so much pain she would be curled up crying. Most days she could barely get out of bed. My dad broke down and bought her a joint 1x. He'd heard from a guy he worked with about a relative of theirs overseas who was told to smoke a joint for their pain from neuropathy. He gave my mom the joint one day when she was in severe pain and not even the morphine patch + a pain pill was helping (Oxy 10). Within a half hour she was in a lot less pain and she didn't even need pain pills the rest of the day. He started buying her joints and she usually smoked 1 per day.

My dad told me about it and that he was willing to go to jail if it meant my mom could have a halfway decent life. My dad passed away himself from diabetes complications in 2003. After seeing how much it helped my mom, I'm all for legalizing it for medical use.

For the record, I've never even smoked a cigarette, much less used any kind of illegal drug.


Posted 8:55 pm, 07/01/2014

I will give jojo a high 5.


Posted 8:52 pm, 07/01/2014

I'm the first to admit that I know only what I've heard about this stuff but I'd vote for medical use only. And before ya'll start trying to convince me otherwise, I'd also vote medical use only for alcohol & I'd just ban tobacco altogether!


Posted 8:47 pm, 07/01/2014

Blue Steel - Twist One Up (1979):


Posted 8:24 pm, 07/01/2014

jojo9 ain't tried that lizzard weed.


Posted 8:19 pm, 07/01/2014

Have you people that know so much about the effects of pot ever even smoked it? You're just showing your ignorance. As to side effects there are none. It does not affect your mental capacity in fact it helps you see things more clearly. It helps folks with glaucoma, it keeps you from getting cancer, it helps people with cancer undergoing chemo and radiation to be able to eat, I could go on and on. You that are against it are just stupid and have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone over the age of 18 should be able to grow it, possess it and smoke it. Anyone that thinks pot is worse than alcohol is just ignorant. How can you speak against it unless you have smoked it for years? I know lots of high up people that smoke it and work everyday. You against it are backwards and ignorant.

I don't know what your problem is. Why don't you try it and then run your mouth about how bad it is?


Posted 6:52 pm, 07/01/2014

There's only a handful of jobs where you moght still do ok stoned. I'm having trouble naming even 10.

1. The guards at plant entrances
2. IT personnel
3. Toll booth operator
4. Desk Jockey
5. Disc Jockey
6. Telemarketer
7. Politician
8. Meter Maid
9. Teacher


Posted 5:42 pm, 07/01/2014

I'm not against legalizing pot and if a grown person wants to toke on some weed in private or with a few friends when they're not working, driving, babysitting, directing traffic, operating heavy or any dangerous machinery including lawn mowers, counting money (unless it's the piggy bank), performing brain surgery, learning knife throwing, hunting with anything besides a red ryder bb gun, in any kind of situation where their judgement could harm someone etc. then by all means twist one up and burn it down.


Posted 5:24 pm, 07/01/2014

Potheads usually have a cart full of Doritos and Mtn.Dew and several children that favor Cheech and Chong.

PB @nd Jelly

Posted 5:04 pm, 07/01/2014

I think they should just go ahead and legalize it.But on the downside...it's just going to be taxed to death like other legal vices

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