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GOP admits what dems have been saying for years about republicans is TRUE!!!


Posted 10:50 pm, 03/19/2016

THAT'S the one thing that made you think you should proofread better?


Just don't bother, lunatic.

this n that

Posted 9:06 pm, 03/19/2016

How very strange. I thought I typed it right both times. and both time the un disappeared. How?

this n that

Posted 9:05 pm, 03/19/2016

I should have proof read better, make that town of Accountability.

this n that

Posted 9:03 pm, 03/19/2016

"Yet posters at this site will act as if no one is noticing this."

Oh we're noticing it alright. And you're right. It is SO wrong. If the fools want to commit political suicide, fine.
Everything needs to change in that town of accountability, Washington, DC.

And yes, there will be uprisings against repubs if they try to go around the voters.
Me and millions of others will never vote for one of them again.

I don't vote for the fools that have taken over the dem party, so I just won't vote.
I think most Trump people are more than noticing, they are watching every crooked move being made by the so called "establishment leaders".
Though I heard Newt say, he looked at the list of the people in the 'secret' meetings, and there was not a repub leader on the list, not one elected person. He called them "self appointed" to stop Trump.

Repubs, what a bunch of hypocrites. The very thing they always talk about, bringing in new voters, and Trump is doing that big time.
Everywhere, Dem are leaving their party, changing to repub, just to vote for Trump.
There's a lot going on here behind the scenes that we don't know.
I wouldn't vote for John Kasich now ever, I have zero respect for him doing what he's doing, and taking Soros money to do it. And Mitt Romney, and Ryan are in on some plan.
Romney endorses Kasich in Ohio, and publicly vote for Cruz in Utah. That even caught Kasich by surprise.

In order to have a party, you must have people. They ARE the party. Ignore the will of the people...
All **** will break loose.

And while I'm at it... I'll tell you why, in my opinion, Sanders refuses to fold his tent, and quietly go away.

Indictment, or not, Hillary is in deep trouble. There will be leaks daily, like in Watergate.
Personally, I'm giving Loretta Lynch the benefit of doubt. Even though she works for a lying corrupt zero, it is said she values her reputation as honest. We'll see.

Either way, E mails will follow the dems to convention, and Sanders is aware, and waiting.


Posted 5:32 pm, 03/19/2016

I will vote for Trump or I will vote against his puppet replacement. I believe Trump will win by a landslide.


Posted 5:10 pm, 03/19/2016

I don't think the GOP is going to win a war with Trump. Trump is a multi-billionaire. He could spend $100 million on each office in congress and the senate and barely spend the interest on his money. The GOP attacking Trump is the best way to clean house in the congress and the senate. LOL


Posted 5:05 pm, 03/19/2016

Well said, Elmo

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:34 pm, 03/18/2016

All I know for sure is that day after day, year in and year out, republicans beat their chests and demean anyone that does not agree with them. Yet today we are watching them openly conniving to steal/change/rob a person that is leading in primary votes from running for president. I am most definitely anti Trump, but what happening now is so wrong

Yet posters at this site will act as if no one is noticing this. I am amazed at the time spent to demean Clinton and nary a word posted about this insult to anyone's intelligence


Posted 7:00 pm, 03/18/2016

If you post the article instead of the link, I think people will reply more.

The right's shocking admission: Stunned by Trump's dominance, some GOP pundits concede that Dems have been right about Republicans all along

"America's in the middle of a real political storm � a real tsunami � and we should have seen this coming." � Marco Rubio

It was always inevitable, I suppose. The Republican Party has debased itself for decades � courting racists, placating religious lunatics, and using the culture wars as a political wedge. Candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin are natural outgrowths of this conservative ecosystem; they're exactly what you'd expect it to produce.

This is the climate Republicans have cultivated, and what we're seeing now is the logical conclusion of those efforts.

The GOP establishment continues to eat itself from within, as officials scramble to make sense of it all. You might call it an identity crisis of sorts. Longtime Republicans are now questioning the party's broader strategy. Here's Bret Stephens, a conservative columnist for the Wall Street Journal:

"Liberals may have been fond of claiming that Republicans were all closet bigots and that tax cuts were a form of racial prejudice, but the accusation rang hollow because the evidence for it was so tendentious. Not anymore. The candidacy of Donald Trump is the open sewer of American conservatism�It would be terrible to think that the left was right about the right all these years."

Terrible indeed, but no less true. Here's a similar Tweet by Max Boot, a neoconservative hawk and prominent Republican intellectual: "I'm a lifelong Republican but Trump surge proves that every bad Democrats have ever said about GOP is basically true." Welcome to the club, Max. Happy to have you.

In addition to embracing the worst elements of its base, the GOP also blundered in its strategic decision to cede the business of governing to Democrats and focus instead on obstructing President Obama. "Our top political priority over the next two years," Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell famously said in 2010, "should be to deny President Obama a second term."

One of the less incoherent objections Trumpites raise against the Republican Party is that it hasn't delivered on any of its promises. Legislatively, the GOP has been virtually useless. Election after election, session after session, Republicans have failed to pass any meaningful pieces of legislation, which is what happens when compromise becomes a heresy in your party.

The GOP's stated strategy � at least since Obama was elected � has been to create gridlock, to make the country ungovernable. Recall how they used the nation's credit rating to blackmail the opposing party, not to accomplish anything but to score points with their purist base. And just this week, we have the nihilsm of a Republican senate, led by McConnell, refusing to do its job and consider President Obama's Supreme Court nomination. The bogus talking point is that the people's voice ought to be heard before choosing a new Justice. But the people already spoke in the last election, when they gave Obama a second term. But that doesn't matter because McConnell is hostage to the Tea Party reactionaries that dominate the Republican-led Congress. This is the kind of bureaucratic inertia Americans are rejecting.

In their bottomless cynicism, Republicans have tried to break the government so that they could then reproach the Democrats for ruining it. This worked temporarily, but it was bound to backfire at some point.

Now something like 87 percent of the country disapproves of the job Congress is doing. Republicans wagered that the country would blame Obama for the mess they manufactured. Instead, their base is � rightly � blaming the GOP establishment, and Donald Trump is delivering the message. Trump voters hate Obama, of course, but not nearly as much as they do their own party.

The GOP committed itself to grievance politics and a strategy of political arson years ago. Had they gone another way, had they been serious about the difficult work of governance, Donald Trump would not have devoured their party this cycle. Once again, he's their Frankenstein, and no one in the party can stop him.

Our only hope is that the Democrats will.


Posted 6:57 pm, 03/18/2016

It is worth reading at least....form your opinion from that.


Posted 5:40 pm, 03/18/2016

Have you ever noticed that your threads go absolutely nowhere? I think you should stick to trolling me.

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