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EMS employees paid time off cut in HALF


Posted 5:06 pm, 05/16/2024

I'd be willing to bet. They'd rather had a pay raise/larger operating budget.
Than that new building. Just my thoughts.


Posted 5:02 pm, 05/16/2024

Heard through the grapevine that their director was retiring in July. I hope like **** the county commissioner's will hire someone not from Wilkes County. They need to find someone who has experience leading who can shake things up and make the employees happy so they stay. With that budget request they should be able to do a nice pay raise to help the employees make that decision.


Posted 1:27 pm, 05/15/2024

Pay rate increase = retention
More Respect = they DESERVE it


Posted 12:47 pm, 05/15/2024

This last year they got almost $1 million more than the previous year! And then they requested almost another $500,000 more for this year on top of that, even though the expenses went down?

I'm sure that this is their excuse for cutting PTO, but it's obviously BS. By the numbers, EMT employees should have the same benefits that they had in 2023, plus a 12% increase in pay.

The money is there, it's just going into someone else's pocket...


Posted 8:47 pm, 05/14/2024

They need higher pay,not a new bldg.
But sh,what do I know. It's not right to drop,pay.


Posted 7:24 pm, 05/14/2024

I requested this information last week but the Finance Director was out of the office. He sent it to me today when he returned.

This is the county budget for EMS:


Requested: $6,459,455
Recommended: $6,102,180
Adopted: $6,135,889

Requested: $7,001,761
Adopted: $7,025,337
Amended: $7,027,837 (I assume they were given $2,000 later after the budget was passed)

Requested: $7,447,741
Recommended: $6,930,166

The finance director said that the decrease for 2024-25 was "due to less repair and maintenance cost since EMS opened the new building in November of 2023."

I'm not sure why EMS was requesting $420,000 more than the previous year, though, if the building and maintenance costs had gone down. But it's still notable that the proposed budget is recommending 12.94% more than the 2022-23 amended budget.

There will be a Public Hearing on the budget at 5pm on May 21, at the County Office Building.


Posted 5:23 pm, 05/03/2024

After doing some digging, in the counties annual report, I found the 22/23 budget report. EMS had a 6,160,924 budget and actually spent 5,971,407. Of that, Salary was budgeted at 4,678,997 and actual was 4,591,556. 87,441 difference in salary or 189517 in actual remaining funds. So apparently they spent some money somewhere, despite being short staffed.


Posted 4:09 pm, 05/03/2024

If you look at the May 31, 2023 budget work session, you can see where EMS requested the additional positions as well as a pay study. They also stated they were 8 positions short. Then in the June 6th work session minutes, it shows where they support a pay raise for county employees including EMS at 7%. It also shows where they denied the rescue squads budget increase request since they were giving EMS 4 positions. So it would seem that EMS should be in a huge budget surplus. Especially since they bill for all their services



Posted 2:43 pm, 05/03/2024

Anti they can't fill the slots they have, much less the one's the added.

That's what I thought. But that would mean that they have more in the payroll account than they need... not less, which this story implies.

I wish we could see the county allocation, that would confirm whether this is a reflection of mismanagement.


Posted 6:02 am, 05/03/2024

Yessiree buddy I do remember Thursday magazine.
Love to have it brought back too! Wow you jarred loose a great memory of mine.
Since you remember that? HOWDY NEIGHBOR!


Posted 11:00 pm, 05/02/2024

Anti they can't fill the slots they have, much less the one's the added. But the were able to take two more medics off the road to make a "Community" paramedic position. Google that.


Posted 12:11 pm, 05/02/2024

It wasn't. But then again Anti. I was too busy chasing 2 legged deer. Around the Mall parking lot. Or outrunning the rent a cops(one went on to be a probation officer)thru the belks/jc penney parking lot. lmao


Posted 1:08 am, 05/02/2024

Again,I'm gonna have to agree 50 50. Somethings definitely very wrong here.
Wasn't so much BS back in 83 4 5 6 7 8 9.

I bet it was worse... you just didn't hear about it. Back then, if the JP and Thursday Magazine (remember?) didn't cover it then you just didn't know!

Now we see them cover things up all the time, and it makes me wonder just how much they've always covered up...?

All I could find was that the budget included money for 4 new paramedic positions...

I wonder if they filled those positions, and if they still exist?


Posted 5:58 pm, 05/01/2024

How far in a hole will this county let itself get before changes are made. Taxpayers and county citizens should be very concerned and need to be aware of the crookedness taking place in this county.

And remind me again, but isn't Wilkesbygawd county run by Republicans??


Posted 5:54 pm, 05/01/2024

The first responders in this county vary. Some are emergency medical responders, some are EMT's. A few are paramedics who work for EMS. EMS has a paramedic on every truck. I think all of the rescue squads members have to be EMT and they have several paramedics as well. With that said, there are several fire departments I know of that let their members run medical calls whether or not they have a medical certification. These are the people caring for your loved ones.


Posted 5:27 pm, 05/01/2024

I love and fully support. Each and every FD VFD Firemen VFirefighters.
The Paramedics and EMT and First Responders.


Posted 3:27 pm, 05/01/2024

I guess you'd say that tough guy. If your children or close relative. Is involved in an head on collision. Real bright there bub.


Posted 7:49 pm, 04/29/2024

I am told the funeral home will come and get you.


Posted 7:44 pm, 04/29/2024

Again,I'm gonna have to agree 50 50. Somethings definitely very wrong here.
Wasn't so much BS back in 83 4 5 6 7 8 9.
Oh how cool it'd be to reset. ;)


Posted 3:46 pm, 04/29/2024

Acumen, when it comes to EMS and Fire Departments, for the most part you seem to be correct. There are a few exceptions to the fire departments but just one mismanaged is too many.

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